McGraw-Hill - Back to school - How to access content (ConnectEd & Open Learning Platform)
Teachers and students should be automatically assigned content based on the SIS sections that they are in. If you do have a section that should be connected to McGraw-Hill Content, you should have a McGraw-Hill SSO link in your Clever portal. If you do not see this link, you either aren't in a section that is currently mapped to content, or the district has purchased new content that has not been mapped yet.
If you think you should have access to online curriculum that you are not seeing from the Clever dashboard, please fill out this service request.
If you do have access to the portal, you should see your content available to you. You should NOT have to manually create accounts, passwords, or sections for yourself or your students. Please watch the video in the following help article from McGraw-Hill for more details on accessing your curriculum: Back-to-School Teacher Orientation Video for Auto-Rostering Districts.
Students may not be populated and given access to courses anywhere from in the above link, McGraw-Hill states that students will not have access until 3 days before the start of school, but McGraw-Hill support has stated that it's not granted until the first day of school. If you're students don't have access on/after the first day of school, please submit the above linked service request.